3 Self-Care Strategies for 2024!



Science-backed benefits of meditation👇

Dr. Oppitz has been talking a lot about mindset recently, and one of the most common questions coming up with my health coaching clients is:

How do I change my mindset?

There are lots of ways to go about this, but one science-backed way is through meditation!

Research shows that meditation literally changes the brain to:

✔️ Calm the “lizard brain” (amygdala)

✔️ Reduce anxiety

✔️ Manage eating behaviors

✔️ Increase pain tolerance

✔️ Improve sleep

✔️ Relieve stress

If you’re meditation-curious, you can dip your toe in (just 5 minutes a day!) with an app like HeadSpace or Calm.  Our (me and Dr. Oppitz) favorite guided meditation app is Insight Timer.


How to make visualization work for you ⬇️

One of the things I see again and again in my health coaching clients who create dramatic improvements in their health is that they have a clear vision of their WHY and what they are working toward.

There is no ONE right way to do this, but these steps can get you started:

  1. Be clear on your goal (better digestion, weight loss, less anxiety, or whatever it is)

  2. Write down what your life will look like when you reach your goal. Include lots of details.

  3. Create a visual (drawing, vision board, or just a few key words) to capture this vision.

  4. Place the visual reminder somewhere you will see it every day.

  5. Take one small action every day toward that goal.


Evening journal prompts I’m loving for January 2024! ✍️

▪️ 3 awesome things that happened today…

▪️ One thing I learned today…

▪️ I’m proud of myself for…

▪️ One positive change I made today…

These prompts are so good because they shift the brain into a growth mindset…

…which opens the door for positive change.

Health is not only about eating nutritious foods and moving our bodies. It’s also about self-mastery on other levels, including our minds.

I hope you enjoyed these 2024 self-care tips!

Jaclyn Rebekah Roberts, NBC-HWC, CIHC, E-RYT 500


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