Chris’ Corner: Safe Supplement Buyer’s Guide, Part 5

4 Guaranteed Ways to Get Safe, High-Quality Supplements:

If you’ve been reading my series, you now have a pretty good idea of what to avoid and what to look for when it comes to purchasing supplements, especially if you are shopping online.  Part One was all about avoiding the big platforms like Amazon, Part Two was about choosing a good online store, Part Three was about choosing a quality brand, and Part Four was just plain silly.  I’ve given you a lot of guidelines and hopefully haven’t scared you too much.  But what about our top recommendations when it comes to sourcing high quality, safe supplements? 

In the past three years, the world has changed immensely; INC is no different.  We went from selling everything either in person or through the mail to a confusing array of options beginning with contactless pickup and ending with numerous online options.  I’d like to conclude this series with a comprehensive list of purchase options and how to choose.  Each of these has their place, but mostly the idea is to give you multiple options since even now, over three years after the start of the pandemic, we are still seeing a higher-than-normal rate of out-of-stocks.  Hopefully, with all these options, you can find at least one source that has the supplement you need.  Don’t forget, you can always message me about anything you can’t track down.  I’ll either find it for you or find you a Dr. Oppitz-approved substitute.  All these options offer a 10% discount for our members.  Just don’t tell any of our supplement companies;).  As stated in Part 2, I have to be careful about advertising supplement discounts with many of our brands.

4 Guaranteed Ways to Get Safe, High-Quality Supplements:

1.      Buy them from us.  With over 650 items in stock, it is the best option to find nearly everything Dr. Oppitz prescribes in one place including very hard to find Heron Botanicals tinctures, Pekana remedies, and Xymogen products.  You have three ways to do this:

a.      Buy them at our office.  Best option if you live in the Park Rapids area and can catch us between Noon & 3:00, Tuesday through Thursday. 

b.      Buy them from our online store to be picked up.  Best option if you live in the area, but our hours don’t work for you.  In your ChARM account, click “Online Store”.  At checkout, select “I will collect this order from practice store.”

c.      Buy them from our online store to be shipped.  Best option if you live outside the area.  In your ChARM account, click “Online Store”.  Discounted shipping at $50; free shipping at $100.  Patients in the five-state area typically see packages in 1-3 days.

2.      Buy them through Fullscript.  Best option if you want more options, like 10,000 more options; or if you like sales.  Fullscript offers several 10% off sales per year.  For members, this is doubled to 20% off!  Access must be provided by a doctor; let us know if you’d like us to send you login information.

3.      Buy them through Wellevate.  Like Fullscript, this is great for more options, but it requires a doctor to access.

4.      Buy them through Wholescripts.  The only option if you are looking for Xymogen products we do not carry.  Like Fullscript and Wellevate, Wholescripts requires a doctor to give you access.

I hope you find these guidelines helpful!

Chris Oppitz

Office Administrator



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