Debunking Detoxification

Why kill two birds with one stone when you could kill ten? Is that even possible? What one stone is that?

We live in an ever-increasing toxic world that compromises our health and ability to heal. Cancers, dementia and other neurological diseases, chronic pain, and most other ailments can result from or be worsened by any number of toxins (scientists say there are an estimated 350,000 different types of manufactured chemicals on the market as of January 2022).

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a pure natural world? It is a dream and a hope, but unfortunately due to the extent not very realistic currently. But not all is doom and despair as the stone that kills ten birds is detoxification and available to everyone.

Proper detoxification is a process which helps the body remove unwanted materials which are incompatible with health. Proper detoxification mobilizes all the various ways this elimination happens which includes hydration, pooping, peeing, sweating, menstruating, crying, laughing and other emotional releases, muscle movement which moves the lymphatics, belly breathing, probiotics, binders, and avoidance of the toxins as much as possible in our environment and food. However, you can have two people (a husband-and-wife team even) who test with similar for heavy metals let’s say, but one can have a more overt illness while the other is barely noticeably affected.


  • Phthalates (chemicals used to make plastic flexible) have been found elevated in young girls (aged 6 months to 8 years) with premature breast development—this chemical and its metabolites act like estrogen in the body.

  • In one study, 2 different pesticide metabolites were found in 19/20 and 20/20 samples of fetal meconium—a marker of in utero fetal exposure to these chemicals.

  • US Children’s Urine Studies showed that when the same pesticide metabolites were tested for in Seattle preschoolers, 99% were positive for at least one.

  • Some people have genetic differences in their ability to detoxify.  This means that different people may react differently to the same toxic exposure.

  • If you do not have daily bowel movements and plenty of fiber in your diet, it is very likely that you will recycle more toxins processed by your liver, even if it is processing them effectively—colonics can dramatically reduce this problem, as can fiber supplements such as psyllium with plenty of water to keep your digestion in motion.

  • The Dirty Dozen: 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables (in this order)—strawberries, bell peppers & hot peppers, spinach, kale & collards & mustard greens, nectarines, cherries, peaches, pears, celery, apples, grapes, and tomatoes.

  • 15 cleanest fruits and vegetables (also in order)—avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, onion, papaya, frozen sweet peas, asparagus, honeydew melon, kiwi, cabbage, mushrooms, cantaloupe, mango, watermelon, and sweet potato.

  • Tuna from a can contains less mercury than fresh tuna—because smaller fish usually have less mercury. Great Lakes fish such as walleye, bass, and perch all have more mercury than either kind of tuna—even double the amount.


  • Detoxification and cleansing are used to stimulate and support all the body’s means of processing and eliminating hormones, chemicals, and other substances that we are exposed to on a daily basis. A poor ability to detoxify may contribute to illness such as allergies, chemical sensitivity, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue; digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease; hormonal issues such as PMS and menopausal symptoms; or skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

  • It is not a question as to whether you’ve been exposed to toxins—the question is whether or not these exposures are significantly impacting your health. A detoxification or cleansing program is one way to help determine if this is the case.

Your skin is your largest organ and as such is an important part of your body’s detoxification process. The skin eliminates as much as the kidneys. Sweating is the main way to detoxify through the skin. This can be accomplished through exercise, sauna, and fever treatments.
The kidneys function to filter the blood of the body’s waste products. Drink plenty of fluids. This is especially important during the detox process, as you will be mobilizing potential toxins out of your tissues and into your bloodstream. The absolute minimum water that should be consumed is 2 quarts.
Your lungs are responsible for filtering your blood and replenishing your blood of carbon dioxide and replenishing your blood with oxygen. Oxygen is integral for function of every cell in your body. Certain toxins are also removed by the lungs through expiration. Exercise and deep breathing will enhance this process.
Your liver is your body’s detoxification powerhouse. Among its many duties, your liver helps to filter your blood through the phase I and II detoxification pathways. The detox nutrients required for this process are provided in the meal replacement drink. The suggested foods will further help this process.
The surface area of your digestive tract equals that of a tennis court! Many processes of elimination occur here. An improperly functioning digestive tract is often the source of many of the body’s ailments. For example, constipation can lead to the recycling of estrogens meant for excretion resulting in an increase of total estrogen in the body. Constipation must be avoided while doing any type of cleanse.
The work of the lymphatic system includes carrying cellular wastes back to the vascular circulation so that it can be properly excreted. Because fats are transported by this system from the gut, this system can get sluggish and congested. Massage, body scrubs, hydrotherapy, exercise, and sauna are all good practices to decongest your lymphatic tissues. 

Rachel Oppitz, ND



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