Eliminating Heartburn Without Evil Antacids

Agita the word of the day!

Besides IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) one of the most common problems that Americans experience with their digestive system is heartburn. Other names for this condition include acid reflux, gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), indigestion, acid indigestion, and “agita”; agita is an Italian-American slang term derived from the Italian “agitare” meaning “to agitate” and by definition means: heartburn, acid indigestion, an upset stomach or, by extension, a general feeling of upset. Heartburn is specifically the uncomfortable sensation that occurs in the area of the chest between the stomach and the throat, usually after eating or drinking something irritating. Very often it is a burning sensation that could be associated with an acid taste in the mouth, possible regurgitation of food, and juicy burps. Some people experience other kinds of symptoms like a sore throat after eating or a cough. The biggest problem with acid reflux is that it can damage the esophagus; this chronic inflammation can lead to a precancerous condition called Barrett’s Esophagus.

The most commonly prescribed treatments for heartburn include over-the-counter antacids and prescription acid blocking medications. The problem with these medications is that they seldom address the underlying cause(s) of the symptoms and provide only symptomatic relief at best. These medications attempt to neutralize the acid or turn off production completely without factoring in the cause. Stomach acid is actually a very important fluid in the body--it is imperative for digestion. Proteins are broken down into amino acids by the actions of hydrochloric acid and a stomach enzyme known as pepsin. The acid is also crucial for the absorption of minerals and vitamins. Food is sanitized by the acid in the stomach; this process prevents intestinal infections. In fact, one of the side effects of antacid medications is an increase in both respiratory infections and intestinal infections.  Additionally, as some of you readers who have already consulted me regarding your heartburn know, proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, AcipHex, Protonix) are some of my most hated medications because they deplete vitamin B12, folate, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.  None of these medications have been approved for long term usage and increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, dementia, and osteoporosis.

In order to preserve the normal functioning of the stomach, the best heartburn approach is to identify what is causing it. There is an easy 3-part strategy that can help determine what is causing the symptoms. The first part is to consider what things in the diet are exacerbating the reflux. The most common triggers for heartburn include:

·        sugar

·        dairy

·        spicy foods

·        alcohol

·        coffee

·        citrus

·        fruit

·        nuts

·        onions

·        food sensitivities & allergies

·        tomato sauce


If you have not had an IgG/IgE food panel blood test to help determine the foods to which you are sensitive or allergic, that is often the first step. The second part is to consider the possibility that the heartburn is the result of insufficient stomach acid levels, inadequate digestive enzyme production, and/or dysfunctional bile acid production/secretion. It can sometimes be helpful to take a targeted digestive enzyme supplement with meals if this is the case; there are many different options depending upon if you need stomach, pancreas, and/or liver/gallbladder support—not all digestive enzyme formulations are created equally. The third important part of the program is to balance any physical or emotional stress which could be contributing to the symptoms. Naturopathic doctors are very familiar with these strategies and recommend them frequently for many gut conditions, not just heartburn. If you would like additional help with your heartburn symptoms, please contact me for assistance.

Rachel Oppitz, ND


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