Feeling Bloated?

It’s that time of year. School is back in session and summer is wrapping up.  Maybe you had too much fun over the summer?  (Many of my patients have been mentioning their routines were upended with summer visitors and vacations and their diet got a little off track despite garden produce abundance.)  Before you know it, you start to feel a little bloated. You ignore it and keep on going. Vacations, celebrations, nights out with friends, and a few weeks later, the bloating can no longer be ignored. You feel whatever you eat causes you to feel bloated and your bowel movements are becoming irregular. Sound familiar? You probably feel more lethargic and less motivated. You also might feel heavy and weighed down due to slow digestion. Oh, no…just in time for your more fitted fall and winter clothing with waistbands and layers. You desire more energy so that you can resume your exercise routine and healthy meals.  Now is the time to get back on track so you will feel rejuvenated and ready to “carpe diem” (seize the day) this fall!

Now what? It’s time for a check-in. Once you do, you will start to feel the engines revving again.

·       Am I drinking enough water?

·       Have I had more sweets, alcohol, or processed carbs like breads, crackers, pasta, tortillas, chips, ice cream (one of my favorites) this summer?

·       Has my sleep schedule changed or become irregular (I know mine has been with more daylight)?

This scenario is exactly what I heard from a recent patient Natalie this week. Fortunately, there are 5 easy steps to help you get back on track and be fully charged for fall with more energy and improved digestion. After our last consult Natalie is on her way to feeling the festivity of fall in her step.

1.    Get back on track with hydration. When you are on the go and out of your routine it is easy to forget to drink until you are thirsty.  Be aware of the ½ your body weight in ounces recommendation. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should drink 75 ounces of water a day and more if you exercise, sweat, or drink coffee/sugary drinks.

2.    Pay attention to how many low fiber and inflammatory grains you may be consuming. Sharing a dessert on a night out with friends is great, but have daily morning pastries or regular pasta nights crept in? Have you been over-treating yourself? Roll it back. You can do it.

3.    Bring on the greens! Late summer/early fall is a wonderful time to enhance your diet with more fresh fruits and greens as they are abundant and in season. Include an apple or berries with your breakfast to start your day off with some great soluble fiber. Opt for salads full of at least three colors for lunch. If you are eating out for supper avoid large desserts and heavier foods like pastas, pizzas or burgers and instead try cooked veggies and lean meats or plant-based proteins. Your digestive tract will thank you.

4.    Don’t forget about the shuteye! Your rhythms may have changed during the summer and led to later evenings thereby altering your bedtime. Establish a set bedtime and adhere to it. Going to bed at a regular time helps you to sleep more soundly, nourishes and rejuvenates your digestion, and helps you to make hormones to feel happy and energized the following day.

5.    Have fun! Enjoy this time of the year as daylight dwindles and leaves change color.  Continue to get outside daily to balance your energy and mood; daylight exposure can boost serotonin which promotes bowel motility!

By following the above “re-set” you will be on your way to a lighter feeling in your gut, a pep in your step, and more motivation to embrace the transition from summer to fall.  

Rachel Oppitz, ND



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