Got Allergy Agony? Naturopathic Solutions to Overcome Your Seasonal Suffering!

If you suffer from allergies, you don’t need me to tell you, spring is in full bloom! Trees, flowers, and plants of all kinds are awakening from their winter slumber and are celebrating their rebirth by spreading their pollen into the air by the billions every day!

For many people that also means allergy season is in full bloom. If that’s you, chances are you are sniffling and sneezing your way through the day; while that may be tolerable for some people, it is downright debilitating for others who are genuinely afraid to go outside this time of year. 

The good news is when you get control of your allergies, you can literally stop and smell the roses again, enjoy outdoor activities without fear, and breathe easier all day and night.

I remember one patient, Emma, last spring who came to me with tissues in hand, her nose red and raw from sniffling and sneezing and her eyes were streaming from allergies. We did some environmental allergy and food sensitivity testing and discovered what specific plants and pollens triggered her allergies the most and discovered it was maple trees, which are very common in our area.   Her food sensitivity testing identified that peaches, hazelnuts, peanuts, bananas, celery, corn, chickpeas, and lettuce were contributing to her seasonal allergy suffering.

We started with some local honey to build her resistance to the local pollen, started an elimination diet to decrease immune burden and a customized vitamin regimen to rebuild her system. Within 2 weeks, Emma’s allergy symptoms were at least 75% better and in autumn she experienced no allergy symptoms at all!

If you or your family are suffering from annoying allergies this spring, you don’t have to.  I encourage you to come in and do the same allergy and sensitivity tests to identify what specifically you are allergic to and come up with a plan to eliminate what’s triggering your allergies so you too can easily breathe this spring.


 Rachel Oppitz, ND


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