Healthy Valentine Treats!

Fun Inspo for Valentine Treats ❤️

We all go for chocolate, but what if we could make those treats a little more healthy?

🍓 Strawberry Skewers

Cut off the strawberry tops in a V-shape so the strawberries look like hearts. Alternate them with other berries or grapes on skewers.

🥣 Dark Chocolate Chia Pudding

Mix up ¼ cup each of chia seeds and cocoa powder along with 1 cup of coconut milk and some vanilla, cinnamon, salt, and sweetener to taste. Top with fresh raspberries!

🧀 Valentine Snack Board

Put together a snack board with all things red and white! Like grape tomatoes, strawberries, pomegranate hearts, and raspberries, alongside crackers, cheeses, or pretzels.

🍫Dark Chocolate Hummus

Find this one at your favorite natural grocers or search up an easy recipe online to make this delicious and nutritious dip!

Rachel Oppitz, ND


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