Rachel’s Ruminations July 2023: Book Reviews on Is This Normal?  Judgment-Free Straight Talk About Your Body & A Light in the Dark for Pandas & Pans

Since my last column, I have read two outstanding books on two completely different topics.  I am going to spend more time in this article highlighting Is This Normal?  Judgment-Free Straight Talk About Your Body by Dr. Jolene Brighten because the content pertains to all females from puberty through menopause and beyond, whereas the second book focuses on a relatively uncommon autoimmune pediatric condition.

I have been following Dr. Brighten for years on social media and have thoroughly enjoyed her content.  Her latest book was just released April 2023; it addresses many common questions and concerns women are either too embarrassed to ask their healthcare provider about or have asked and received unsatisfactory answers.  I was familiar with most but not all of the content; there were some enlightening sections in the book about current circulating TikTok fallacies (which I confirmed with my 22-year-old daughter).  Of comic note, while at Muskie Days last weekend, a couple saw me reading the book and quietly commented on the shocking chapter title I had just begun LOL...

 The book is divided into 3 sections: 

·        “Your Sexual Self” which focuses on sex, libido, orgasms, masturbation, discharge, and female genitalia

·        “Your Cyclical Self” which focuses on hormones, periods, and breast health

·        “The 28-Day Program”

Dr. Brighten has chosen those sections based upon the most common questions she has received from patients during clinical consults along with frequent social media queries.  The format of the first two sections is enjoyable and straightforward.  The third section is so jam-packed with helpful information that it could easily be expanded into its own book, even with my medical background I found the organization a bit overwhelming, yet still impressive in its breadth.  I would consider giving this book to an older adolescent or to a high school student as a graduation gift although most females of any age would find value in its content (and inquisitive males may enjoy it as well).

A Light in the Dark for Pandas & Pans by Dr. Jill Crista: 

Dr. Crista is world renowned for her expertise on mold illness and previously wrote Break the Mold (2018)—another highly recommended resource for anyone suffering from mold exposure.  In November 2022, A Light in the Dark was released and explores an integrative approach to a medical condition called Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS)/Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS).  This medical condition is most commonly triggered by a strep infection although I learned in the book that other infections can trigger this autoimmune challenge.  Dr. Crista explains that PANDAS/PANS is actually caused by both the infection and environmental toxin exposure.  She empathetically explores the deleterious impact this syndrome has on families.  The book is divided into 3 parts that delve into “How Did This Happen”, the 4 core treatment principles, and recovery essentials.  An absolute must read for anyone whose life has been touched by PANDAS/PANS.

I highly recommend both these books for both the average lay person along with medical professionals wishing to gain more insight on natural and alternative approaches for any gynecological or PANDAS/PANS concern.


Rachel Oppitz, ND


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