Seed Cycling:  A Kitchen Remedy to Balance Your Hormones Effectively and Inexpensively

Seed what? 

Are you wondering what in the world is seed cycling?

Or perhaps you have heard about seed cycling but have thought, that sounds WAY too complicated…

What is seed cycling?

Seed cycling is a gentle method of balancing hormones during the two distinct phases of your monthly cycle using nutrients found in seeds.

What are the two phases of the menstrual cycle?

Estrogen and progesterone are the key hormones that regulate your period.  Estrogen levels rise during the first half of your cycle until you ovulate; this is called the follicular phase and begins with the first day of your period (day 1).  Progesterone levels rise during the second half of your cycle after you have ovulated; this is called the luteal phase which typically starts on day 15.

How does seed cycling work?

By using specific seeds, estrogen can be boosted in the follicular phase and progesterone can be boosted in the luteal phase.  Seed hulls contain lignans, which help bind up excess hormones.  Seed oils contain essential fatty acids which provide the building blocks for making hormones.

What are the benefits of seed cycling?

·        Lessens or alleviates PMS

·        Improves or alleviates hormonal acne

·        Lessens or resolves hormonal headaches/migraines

·        Reduces or eliminates menopausal symptoms

·        Regulates irregular cycles

·        Stimulates menses if absent

·        Enhances fertility

·        Reduces PCOS symptoms

·        Decreases endometriosis symptoms

·        Reduces the risk of ovarian cyst development

·        Restores libido

Who might benefit from seed cycling?

Seed cycling can be effective for women who are menstruating, postpartum, perimenopausal, or even postmenopausal.

How long does it take to see benefit?

While you may notice improvement during the first month, it usually takes 3-4 months/cycles to experience significant benefit.  It is important to continue seed cycling even after you have noticed substantial improvement.

How do I implement seed cycling?

This regimen should be done according to your menstrual cycle if it is regular.  If your period is absent or irregular, you should follow the phases of the moon cycle.  A regular cycle is considered 28 days in length.  The best day to start seed cycling is on day 1=first day of your period.

Phase 1 (follicular phase)

Phase 1 should be followed day 1-14 if you have a regular period beginning on the first day of your menses.  If your period is absent or irregular, start on the new moon.

Estrogen levels start low and steadily rise during this stage to prepare for ovulation.  Seeds that contain phytoestrogens are recommended along with a high quality omega-3 fatty acid supplement to decrease inflammation and support reproductive functions and membranes.

Every day in phase 1 take:

1 Tbsp raw ground flaxseed

1 Tbsp raw pumpkin seed

Fish oil (as prescribed by Dr. Oppitz)

Optional:  1 Tbsp chia seed

Phase 2 (luteal phase)

Phase 2 should be followed day 15-28 beginning right after ovulation.  If your period is absent or irregular, start on the full moon.

This phase starts when your estrogen drops suddenly after ovulation.  Progesterone levels begin to steadily rise to nourish the uterine lining and to regulate estrogen levels.  During this phase, omega-6 fatty acids are recommended to boost progesterone levels and reduce inflammation that can contribute to PMS symptoms.

Every day in phase 2 take:

1 Tbsp ground sesame seeds

1 Tbsp sunflower seeds

Evening primrose oil (as prescribed by your health care provider)

Optional:  hemp hearts

*It is beneficial to purchase raw, organic, unhulled seeds and grind them at home.  Prepare a 2-day supply at a time.  Store in an air-tight container or jar in the fridge or freezer.  Try using the seeds in salads, oatmeal, muesli, smoothies, yogurt with berries, or on their own!

Read on for additional energy bite recipe ideas.

Cardamon Pumpkin Energy Bites (Phase 1/Follicular)


½ c flax seeds

1 c pumpkin seeds

¾ c unsweetened coconut flakes (reserve 2 Tbsp for rolling

¾ c dates (about 16), soaked

¼ tsp ground cardamon

1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract

¼ tsp sea salt


1.)     Soak dates in water overnight or at least 10 minutes.

2.)    Drain dates and set aside

3.)    Grind seeds and coconut in a food processor or blender

4.)    Blend in dates, cardamom, vanilla, and salt until the mixture is uniform

5.)    Shape into 3 cm-wide balls using a teaspoon or small scooper and roll each one in coconut flakes

6.)    Store in fridge or freezer; best eaten cold.

Maca Hemp Energy Bites (Phase 2/Luteal)


½ c hemp seeds + 2 Tbsp for rolling

½ c sunflower seeds

2 Tbsp maca powder

4 Tbsp cocoa powder

½ c tahini

¾ c dates (about 16), soaked

½ tsp pure vanilla extract

¼ tsp sea salt


1.)     Soak dates in water overnight or at least 10 minutes

2.)    Drain dates and set aside

3.)    Grind seeds in a blender or food processor

4.)    Add the 2 powders and seed butter

5.)    Blend in dates and vanilla until mixture is uniform

6.)    Shape into 3 cm-wide balls using a teaspoon or small scooper and roll in hemp seeds

7.)    Store in fridge or freezer; best eaten cold


Seed cycling is a simple tool to support your hormonal health and incorporate nutritious foods daily to promote hormone harmony!


Rachel Oppitz, ND


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