The Beautiful Benefits of Cycle Syncing

Though the benefits and how fast you feel them vary from person to person, the overarching benefit of cycle syncing is that it informs you about your body and its monthly changes. Knowledge about your shifting energy levels, libido, and moods — and more importantly, the reasons why they are in flux each month — lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself. Cycle syncing will only strengthen this inner connection. Other benefits include:  

  • Reducing PMS symptoms 

  • Alleviating period pain  

  • More effective workouts  

  • Reducing risk of injury  

  • Providing fertility support 

  • Improved mood, sleep, energy, and productivity 

  • Feeling more balanced overall 

  • Enhanced energy levels

  • Decreased inflammation

  • Promote hormone harmony

Cycle syncing encourages mindfulness about your body and can lead to a more harmonious and empowered experience throughout your menstrual cycle. 

Tailoring your diet to your menstrual cycle can help you feel more balanced and energized throughout the month!

In general, the idea of matching the level and intensity of exercise to how you feel is helpful, regardless of which phase of life you are in. Even if you’re on birth control, aren’t regular, or don’t have a cycle at all, there are still benefits to being in tune with yourself.  This method can prevent you from putting too much stress on your body.  

When estrogen and progesterone levels are high, most women have increased levels of energy and want to be more active, so high intensity cardiovascular and strength training may be more appropriate for these phases.

Conversely, when energy levels are low, more restorative and relaxing movements such as yoga, stretching, and very light strength exercises may be most beneficial.

Cycle syncing isn't all about exercise and diet. Your self-care practices are just as important throughout your cycle because they can help alleviate symptoms and encourage rest. Many of these routines take as little as five minutes and don't require many tools. You can use natural ingredients like papaya to give yourself a clarifying mask or use your hands to give yourself a detoxifying lymphatic drainage massage.  

Self-care can also include mindfulness practices like meditation or journaling so you're in a good headspace and reflecting on what you need to feel your best during your cycle.

Jaclyn Roberts, NBC-HWC, CIHC



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