How to Reclaim Your Personal Identity During Menopause

Seven Transforming Gifts of Menopause:  An Unexpected Spiritual Journey by Cheryl Bridges Johns

Based upon a recommendation from a colleague in one of my professional clinical support forums, I ordered this book and have been slowly absorbing its profound content over the past six months.  When I special ordered it, I did not know what to expect and had no idea it was written by a theologian and Christian pastor so began reading it with trepidation that its content would be evangelistic in nature.  I am not opposed to reading spiritual or Christian works but tend toward more secular choices for both my personal and professional reading pleasure.  I can assure you that this book is appropriate and beneficial for any person of Christian or other faith/belief system, there is very limited “God-y” narrative.  This self-help menopause guide can be enjoyed by any middle-aged woman or better yet book club where the content can be discussed openly and members can provide encouragement and support—at the end of each chapter, the author provides questions for reflection to find healing and experience growth during this monumental transition.

The book is just over 200 pages long, divided into an intriguing preface, informative introduction, and eight chapters.  Johns spends a bit of time in the introduction discussing some scientifically-factual-information about menopause. Then she dives into the first chapter by explaining how our early life experiences shaped us and how we can use menopause as the midlife turning point to determine how we want to spend this next life phase. She encourages us to consider new horizons we may wish to explore to create a renewed life vision.

The following seven chapters delve into the 7 key developmental landmarks which provide practical ways to renew your sense of identity.  The 7 transforming gifts of menopause include:

1.      The Gift of Uncovering

2.      The Gift of Anger

3.      The Gift of the Authentic Self

4.      The Gift of Expanded Time

5.      The Gift of Spiritual Freedom

6.      The Gift of Vision

7.      The Gift of Courage

The author does acknowledge that these gifts are not easily claimed and gives the reader tools to welcome the truth from within to reclaim a vibrant future.  She encourages us to ponder our belief systems and values—past, present, and future.

Throughout the book, Cheryl shares interesting personal reflections about her menopausal journey along with stories of other women she has encountered during this transformational process as well which makes the content even more engaging.  The entire book is thought-provoking and much different than any other book I have ever read on this topic.  Her main purpose in writing this developmental guide is to provide inspirational content to help women develop a focused vision for life after menopause while embracing a deepened sense of spirituality.


Rachel Oppitz, ND


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